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At LAT Nitrogen we are committed to the belief that quality and customer satisfaction are the responsibility of all employees. Alongside our firm commitment to the excellent quality of our interactions, well-developed management systems support high standards of performance. The Quality department is the owner of the LAT Nitrogen Integrated Management System and ensures accessibility, periodic reviews and updates of all its processes. Changes are implemented through a formal approval process. LAT Nitrogen Head office and production locations comply with the requirements the worldwide industry standards for Quality Management (ISO 9001), Environment Management (ISO 14001) and Energy Management (ISO 50001). Related to the product application or legal requirements, LAT Nitrogen Linz is additionally certified according to FAMI QS.
As a member company of Fertilizer Europe, LAT Nitrogen is fully committed to the Product Stewardship Program for fertilizer companies through our Fertilizer Europe Product Stewardship certification. The program specifies best practice operations for management of quality, safety, health, environment and security in the sourcing of fertilizer materials, fertilizer production and storage, and in the supply chain to the farmer. It covers mineral fertilizers, their raw materials and intermediate products and takes into account the whole life cycle of a product, from development to application. The Fertilizers Europe Product Stewardship Program qualifies companies that complete it to the most advanced level of product stewardship programs established by the global International Fertilizer Industry Association. Its implementation is verified by regular third-party audits organized by Fertilizers Europe.
If you want to know more about our ongoing commitments to balancing profitability with social and environmental responsibility, please have a look at our Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
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